Family Guy Wiki
  • This special was originally titled "The End of the World as We Know It".
  • Stewie says that Family Guy is less than halfway to the number of episodes released by the Simpsons. The Simpsons had over 510 episodes at the time this episode was broadcast.
  • This is the third Family Guy clip show to air on Fox, after The Family Guy 100th Episode Special and the musical montage after "Brian & Stewie".
  • This marks the first time that footage from "Partial Terms of Endearment" aired on North American television.
  • The press release announced Mila Kunis as one of the interviewees as well as the documentary including footage from the 200th episode party. This did not end up in the documentary.
  • Seth Green's shirt is blurred during his interview due to copyright.

Previous Episode's Notes/Trivia /// 200 Episodes Later's Notes/Trivia \\\ Next Episode's Notes/Trivia
