Ben Affleck (born August 15, 1972) is an American actor, film director, writer, and producer
He appears in "Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High" with Matt Damon, who has just finished the screenplay for Good Will Hunting.
In "Peter's Two Dads", he briefly rehearses for the role of Henry VIII, reciting a line until he has a cheesy English accent.
As part of Quagmire's defense for having sex with a minor in "Quagmire's Mom", Peter strings together several movie references including Ben in the film Argo.
In "Customer of the Week", Peter tries to start a debate about everyone's favorite Spider-Man, but Brian argues that Ben Affleck was the best Batman instead.
Stewie warns his grandchildren to never share a needle with Ben Affleck in "The Birthday Bootlegger".
Ben Affleck is voiced by Seth MacFarlane.