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Brick Baker is Peter's new neighbor in "Lawyer Guy".

When Peter gets soaked by his new neighbor's sprinkler while trying out his new hammock, he sees one of Brick Baker's commercials for his law business and decides to hire him. However, when they arrive in court, he discovers that Baker is the new neighbor and that he has to act as his own lawyer. The case nearly goes against Peter until his friends managed to find evidence that Baker was in the wrong. Congratulating Peter and the guys on their victory, he offers them tickets to a "Surfin' Bird" musical, but when they arrive, Peter finds he's relegated to the upper tiers of the theater, while his friends managed to get on stage with Brick, who works to keep the guys away from Peter and to himself. But when he hears them having fun on a slip and slide next door at Brick's house, he comes over to confront them. However, Brick offers no resistance and mentions that the entire time they were together, the guys could only talk about Peter.

When Peter tries to take back the ping-pong table that he threw away in "Prescription Heroine", Brick Baker reminds him that it is now the property of Cleveland who claimed it.

Brick Baker is voiced by Jay Pharoah.
