Christopher Adam Daughtry (born December 26, 1979) is an American singer, musician, and actor, putting together his own band after placing fourth on the fifth season of American Idol.
Lois has an ongoing obsession with Daughtry, which is brought up in "Chris Has Got a Date, Date, Date, Date, Date", "Dead Dog Walking" and "Pawtucket Pete". In "Dead Dog Walking", her Instagram account is 'DaughtryMom.'
While high on Brian's painkillers in "Prescription Heroine", Lois fantasizes about being on top of Daughtry's head, where she's invited to glide around like an air hockey puck until he has to perform a concert at an Indian casino. In this appearance, Daughtry is voiced by Josh Robert Thompson.
"Daughtry Tickets" are listed as "Mom Prizes" in "Happy Holo-ween".
A live-action shirtless video of Daughtry from Cameo appears in "Baby, It's Cold Inside", having been commissioned by Peter as part of his plan to make things up to Lois after their failed anniversary date. Lois is elated upon seeing the video and expresses that she would wet herself if he'd worn a straw hat.