Dominic Bianchi is an American animation director. Bianchi is known for directing multiple episodes of the animated series Family Guy, most notably the show's celebrated 150th episode, "Brian & Stewie", co-directing it with Joe Vaux.
Prior to Family Guy, Bianchi served as a production coordinator for the animated series ¡Mucha Lucha!, before the show's cancellation.
His first job on the show was as storyboard revisionist for Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story. He also worked as an artist and directed "Three Kings" and "The Man with Two Brians".
- "North by North Quahog" (2005) (storyboard revisionist)
- "Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High" (2005) (storyboard revisionist)
- "The Perfect Castaway" (2005) (storyboard artist)
- "The Courtship of Stewie's Father (2005) (storyboard artist)
- "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fonz (storyboard artist)
- Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story (2005) (storyboard revisionist)
- "Peterotica" (2006) (storyboard artist)
- "Untitled Griffin Family History" (2006) (storyboard artist)
- "Stewie Loves Lois" (2006) (storyboard artist)
- "Barely Legal" (2006) (storyboard artist)
- "Airport '07" (2007) (storyboard artist)
- "Boys Do Cry" (2007) (Assistant Director)
- "Movin' Out (Brian's Song)" (2007) (storyboard artist)
- "McStroke" (2008) (Assistant Director)
- "Back to the Woods" (2008) (Assistant Director)
- "The Man with Two Brians" (2008) (Director)
- "420" (2009) (storyboard artist)
- "Three Kings" (2009) (Director)
- "Big Man on Hippocampus" (2010) (Director)
- "Extra Large Medium" (2010) (Storyboard artist)
- "Brian & Stewie" (2010) (co-director with Joe Vaux)
- Something, Something, Something, Dark Side (2010) (Storyboard artist)
- "And I'm Joyce Kinney" (2011) (Director)
- "Screams of Silence: The Story of Brenda Q." (2011) (Director)
- "Back to the Pilot" (2011) (Director)
- "A Fistful of Meg" (2013) (Co-writer with Joe Vaux)
- "The Simpsons Guy" (2014) (storyboard artist)
- "Emmy-Winning Episode" (2017) co-director with James Purdum and Peter Shin
- "Big Trouble in Little Quahog" (2018) (written by)
- Fecal Matters (2021) co-director with Mike Kim