Family Guy Wiki

Balance (Character) Gallery

Balance is a supporting character in Clarence, he works at the Invisible Circus.


  • Appearance
  • Personality
  • Episodes
    • Season 1
    • Season 2
    • Season 3
  • Trivia
  • Gallery


Balance is a circus performer with dylanism, because of this he looks similar to Clarence, mainly by the shape of head and face. He has darker orange skin and has a odd nose similar to Belson's, except shorter, he has similar hairstyle to Clarence, except it lacks bumps, more like the reversed type, and has yellow teeth which are the opposite from Clarence's, he also has a fake pirate hook on his right hand and brown overalls, and grey shirt, and he also has a unibrow, much like Belson, he also has a scar on his left cheek.


His personality is the opposite of Clarence's, he seems to give fear to everyone, and usually grabs certain people by the neck with the use of his pirate hook, he seems to have a habit of jumping to conclusions about people. He seems nice to other teachers, including Ms Baker, than kids, he's somewhat acrobatic, as he able to stand on fork without falling, as it later revealed that he can also do hypnosis, especially on teachers for attention and also secretly works for The Invisible Circus.


Season 1

  • "Balance" (first major role)

Season 2

  • "Freedom Cactus" (pictured only)

Season 3

  • "The Phantom Clarence"
  • "Flood Brothers"
  • "A Nightmare on Aberdale Street: Balance's Revenge" (final appearance)


  • Despite the naming, referring that he's acrobatic, and could stand on things lighter without falling.
  • The Pirate hook on his hand is fake, revealing his right hand.
  • Jeremy is his son, as revealed in "Flood Brothers".
    • However, in "A Nightmare on Aberdale Street: Balance's Revenge", Jeremy stated that Balance isn't any good.
  • However in "Freedom Cactus", a picture of him appeared on the newspaper article that Mr. Reese was reading.
  • Once again, he reappear in Clarence's Stormy Sleepover as a narrator.
  • Most of his characteristics might be a mixture of Clarence and Belson.
    • His body resembles Clarence's and his nose with a unibrow resembles Belson's.
    • His hairstyle is the same as Clarence's, but pointed rather than round.
    • His name, Balance, can also be a pun of Clarence, and starts with a "B" like Belson.


The gallery for Balance (Character) can be found here.
