King of the Hill is an American adult animated sitcom created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on FOX. It centers on the Hills, a middle-class Methodist family in the fictional small suburban town of Arlen, Texas. King of the Hill won two Emmy Awards and was nominated for seven.
The title character is Henry "Hank" Rutherford Hill, who is voiced by Judge. He is characteristically uptight and a strongly traditional conservative. He works as assistant manager at Strickland Propane in Arlen, Texas. He is married to wife Peggy, with whom he has one son, Bobby. He also has a niece named Luanne and a purebred Bloodhound named Ladybird.
In "One if by Clam, Two if by Sea", Peter, Cleveland, Joe, and Quagmire stand beside a fence drinking tins of beer and only saying “Yep” repetitively in the style of Hank Hill and his friends on King of the Hill.
In "Petergeist", Peter picks at a wound and pulls off his skin to reveal Hank Hill's face. Then he laughs and mentions propane, finding Hill's job amusing. Hill was voiced by Seth MacFarlane.
In "April in Quahog", FOX released a press release with promo images detailing a crossover with American Dad! and King of the Hill. Family Guy director Greg Colton reported the scenes were dropped for time. They were later reused in "Bigfat".
"Bigfat" features a King of the Hill opening theme with Mike Judge voicing Hank after the Griffins greet their new neighbors, the Smiths, who moved into Cleveland's old house. When Peter sees Roger, Stan Smith tries to keep Peter quiet but is forced to have to kill him as he starts to tell Quagmire about the alien. The entire opening turns out to be a dream by Hank Hill. Hank at first walks in and demands to know who the fat guy is sleeping with his wife Lois, before waking up again with his real wife Peggy and complains about not getting to find out if they can understand what Stewie says.
While in Italy in "Boopa-Dee Bappa-Dee", Peter attempts to use the guide on the television remote, turning Stewie Griffin into a host of past and present Animation Domination characters, including Bobby Hill.
When Lois opens up to Brian while they play in the park in "All About Alana" about not trusting Alana, her frustrations cause her to toss a tennis ball really far which lands at the feet of Hank and his friends, as Hank comments on her mood.