Family Guy Wiki
Family Guy Wiki

In "The Lois Quagmire", Lois elects to take Quagmire to her stuffy high school class reunion, rather than Peter after becoming concerned that he might embarrass her in front of her rich former friends. However, Quagmire charms those he meets.

Madison Lexington Broadway[]

Madison Lexington Broadway

Madison runs a scholarship for underprivileged WASPs that can only afford Cornell. She notes that her father shoots elephants.

Vivian Yachtbrunch[]

Vivian Yachtbrunch

Vivian sails her a yacht directly into the Newport Shores Hotel after a vacationing in the Turks and Caicos. She notes she summers in Antibes and winters in the spring.

Scowly Tight-Anus[]

Sally Tightanus

Scowly is the granddaughter of Henry Tight and Randolph Anus. Her wedding became a joke clipping on the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

All three note that their husbands were Christmas suicides.
