Lucille "Lucy" van Pelt is a fictional character in the syndicated comic strip Peanuts, written and drawn by Charles Schulz. She is the older sister of Linus and Rerun. Lucy is a crabby and cynical eight-year old girl, and is often bossy toward the other characters in the strip, particularly to Linus and Charlie Brown. She is often referred to as the world's greatest fuss-budget.
Lucy is kicked by Lois in "Lethal Weapons" and later by Peter in "Brian's Got a Brand New Bag".
An older Lucy is seen at a Peanuts reunion in "Mother Tucker".
In "No Meals on Wheels", Violet Gray and Pig-Pen see Stewie who is running Lucy's psychiatry stand.
When Stewie tells Chris that he can't always get things right in "Turkey Guys", he sets up a cutaway of Snoopy's "original "Happy Dance"" in which Snoopy does a bump and grind against Lucy.