The Magic 8-Ball is a plastic sphere, made to look like an billiard eight-ball, that is used for fortune-telling or seeking advice. It was invented in 1950 and is utilized when a user asks a yes–no question to the ball and then turns it over to reveal an answer in a window on the ball.
Peter finds a Magic 8-Ball in the donation bin at Goodwill in "Stewie's First Word" and becomes hooked on its advice. He notes that it is the first black ball that Kim Kardashian hasn't played with, although Meg compares its blue water to a tampon commercial. he gets in trouble when he ask the Magic 8 Ball if he should sniff his co-workers hair and it agrees, which resulted in him being sent to human resources. It also makes him jump off a roof. It explodes when he asks it if the Fox network is sustainable in the streaming world.