Family Guy Wiki

Paul Reubens (born Paul Rubenfeld; August 27, 1952 – July 30, 2023) was an American actor, writer, film producer, and comedian, best known for his character Pee-wee Herman. In July 1991, Reubens was arrested for indecent exposure in an adult theater in Sarasota, Florida. The arrest set off a chain reaction of national media attention that changed the general public's view of Reubens and Pee-wee.

Pee-wee Herman is referenced by Mayor Adam West in the musical number "You've Got a Lot to See" calling attention to his arrest in "Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows", essentially informing Pearl Burton about both his rise and fall.

In "Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother?", Peter Griffin uses his reparations money from Carter Pewterschmidt, owner of Griffin's ancestor Nate Griffin, to turn his den into the set from the show Pee-wee's Playhouse, with Peter dressed as Herman, calling it "Peter's Playhouse".

Reubens as Pee Wee Herman appears in It's A Trap! when one of the stormtroopers takes his bike for the speederbike chase. He later gets his bike back. He was voiced by Seth MacFarlane. According to the DVD commentary, Reubens originally recorded his own voice but the results were unsatisfying.

In "Love Story Guy" Peter talks about how he Pee-Wee-Hermaned himself in a theater, mentioning the 1991 incident.
