See also: "Pawtucket Pat" (Episode), Pawtucket Pat (Character), The Pawtucket Patriot
Pawtucket Pat is the founder of the Pawtucket Brewery and Quahog hero. It's mascot, The Pawtucket Patriot, bears his image.
In "Pawtucket Pat", while researching a new story, Brian discovers that Pawtucket Pat stole his beer recipe from nearby Indians and killed them to keep it a secret. This divides the town who can't decide if they want to keep a statue in his honor or not. Peter aggressively pushes to keep the statue while Brian would prefer to have it removed.
When his efforts fail to drum up sufficient support, he decides to take matters into his own hands and tear the statue down, losing it in a nearby river in the process. The opposing town forces nearly come to blows when they are stopped by the Narragansett Indian tribe, who make them aware that there are bigger issues then just a statue. In the end, the statue is found in the river, and is given a new place of honor in the local museum where no one will ever see it again.