Family Guy Wiki
Family Guy Wiki
  • The title is a reference to the nursery rhyme "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater."
  • At the reading of the will, Peter says "big money, big money, no whammies, no whammies, STOP!," a reference to the game show Press Your Luck.
  • “This House Is Freaking Sweet”, the song sung by Peter and the Cherrywood Manor servants, parodies the song “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” from Annie.
  • The creepy twins Stewie meets are a reference to the movie version of Stephen King's "The Shining."
  • Lois and Peter's illicit dancing recalls a similar scene in Dirty Dancing.
  • The scene in which Stewie commands the butlers to fight to the death is a reference to the Star Trek original series episode "Amok Time" in which Kirk and Mr. Spock are taking part in the Kunut Kalifi, when 2 males compete for a Vulcan female mate.
  • Peter's appearance and behavior after Brian makes him over refers to Jackie Gleason's smarmy millionaire character, Reginald Van Gleason III.
  • A commercial with shadows and visible jewelry is a spoof of the De Beers 'Diamonds are Forever' commercial.
  • When Peter says "100 million dollars", he puts his pinky finger to his mouth. The pinky and the quote are a reference to Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers series.
  • "That's not true! That's impossible." are the exact lines spoken by Luke Skywalker when he is confronted by Darth Vader, and Peter replicates his pose.
  • The 1970s Joe Greene Coca-Cola commercial is parodied when Peter regrets dropping Greene's uniform, which he would've sold for a lot of money.
  • Ted Turner "colorizing" the moon is a reference to Turner Entertainment's practice of colorizing old black-and-white films.

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