The Quahog Community Center is the local community center in Quahog, Rhode Island.
The scoutmaster for the Youth Scouts of America has his office in the community center in "The Son Also Draws".
A Quahog community center with a barn-like exterior is where Gloria Ironbachs holds her women's sensitivity training seminar which Peter Griffin and Mr. Hanson attend in "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar".
In "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire", Bruce holds a CPR class, offering Oreos following the conclusion of the class. Peter and Lois Griffin attend a class here out of guilt for not knowing what to do when their friend Joe Swanson almost died from drowning. The CPR learned here led Peter to believe on his way home that Loretta Brown was in an emergency situation and it was his duty to help her.
The following day, Mayor Adam West held his third annual pancake batter tasting session.
In "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One", the mayoral debate between West and his challenger, Lois Griffin, took place here. The debate used questions from Herbert, Principal Shepherd, Dr. Hartman, Angela, and Mort Goldman, and was covered by Quahog 5 News correspondent Tricia Takanawa.
Peter and Brian are forced to attend Alcoholics Anonymous at the community center for their drunken rampage at the Quahog Cinema in "Friends of Peter G". When they decide to liven things up by encouraging the others to drink, they have to fool Joe Swanson who responds to a disturbance call by disguising the center to resemble a church.
In "Tiegs for Two", Peter convinces Brian to attend Quagmire's class on how to pick up women, only to find the class isn't intended to make a relationship but to simply have sex.
Chris Griffin is forced to take a sex offender rehabilitation class taught by Quagmire at the Community Center in "An App a Day".
The guys take in art classes to try to recreate the paining of Jerome's mother at a women's wine and painting class in "The Woof of Wall Street" at a redesigned Community center.