Rebel Melanie Elizabeth Wilson (born Melanie Elizabeth Bownds; 2 March 1980) is an Australian stand-up comedian, actress, and writer known for her work in Bridesmaids, Bachelorette, Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2.
A live-action image of Wilson appears as Peter and the guys hold up a copy of People magazine in "Underage Peter". As they continue to drink, the image changes to continuously hotter women, before becoming Neil Patrick Harris.
When he tries to live as a woman in "Trans-Fat", Peter wonders how Rebel Wilson can look so fetching, although Stewie questions his assessment. In addition, one of the wigs he picks up at Hairy Styles resembles Wilson's ponytail.
When Stewie finds himself employed to kill a real cat in "Brief Encounter", he finds he can't go through with it unless the cat was in the musical with Rebel Wilson.
When Quagmire and Lois end up sharing a honeymoon suite at the Newport Shores Hotel in "The Lois Quagmire', he promises to be more of a gentleman than John Wayne Bobbitt with his second wife. After eagerly aquising to her request to take out the trash, John finally hands her a knife, drops his pants and requests they 'just do this' when she wants to hear Rebel Wilson rap in a new movie.