Family Guy Wiki
Family Guy Wiki
Peter: Hey, Chris.
Chris: Hey, four eyes.
Peter: What did you call me?
Chris: Oh, you're deaf, too?

Anton: [to Chris, who is in Brian's body after ramming Brian's car] Oh, you think I forgot about you? You owe my wife 100 bucks for a lavatory misunderstanding.
Anton's Wife: Hey, sugar.
Chris: I've never seen you before in my life.
Brian: Yeah, what are you even talking...? [realizes] Oh, Stewie.

[Quagmire is switched to a hamster's body and the hamster, in Quagmire's body, is holding him by the fur]
Quagmire: [to the hamster, as he's begging it] Don't do it. Don't do what I was gonna do. [the hamster squeaks and lowers Quagmire down] No! No! You've perverted something beautiful!

[Brian is climbing to the cell phone tower with the body swapper strapped to his back]
Stewie: Brian, hurry!
Brian: Stewie, I'm in Chris' body. I'm dragging 230 pounds of lard up a ladder.
Chris: I'm 215, you liberal dickweed!

Lois: [to Brian, who is in Peter's body] You didn't listen to a word Dr. Johann said, did you?
Brian: No, I did not. [turns to her] I mean... [chuckles nervously] the movie Road House.

Ollie Williams: [with Tricia Takanawa's voice] I'm standing here for some reason doing the weather in a giant black man's body. What kind of a Friday is this?
Tricia: [with Ollie's Voice] FREAKY!!
Ollie Williams: [with Tricia Takanawa's voice] Back to you, Tom.

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