Family Guy Wiki
  • The title references the country song "Take This Job and Shove It".
  • Peter notes that the villains won't offend Chinese audiences, reflecting Hollywood's sanitizing of films for that particular enormous market.[1]
  • The opening scene of Peter's spy story references the many ski chases in James Bond, most notably in For Your Eyes Only.[2] However, its parachute is clearly a shoutout to the similar jump from The Spy Who Loved Me.
  • Peter is agent #555, due to the Hollywood practice of the area code of "555", originally a very frequently unused number combination and then later a fictional number.[3]
  • Peter refers to Donna's "Agent M" as the new Little Mermaid, reflecting Disney's casting of African-American actress Halle Bailey in the title role of the live-action remake.
  • The guests on the Las Vegas tour are looking for the Mandalay Bay shooter's window, referencing the 2017 mass shooting.[4]
  • Quagmire after finding the note in the locker assumes "J.F." stood for Jodie Foster and thought of taking out his anger on the president is a reference to John Hinckley, Jr. who shot Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981 with a goal to impress Foster.
  • Cleveland telling Carter "your diplomatic immunity has just been revoked" is a reference to a line from Lethal Weapon.

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