Family Guy Wiki

ok, im confused. is this scene on Adult Swim?

No. It is no longer available on any episode. FOX completely removed it and does not talk about it anymore. --Buckimion 04:52, December 23, 2010 (UTC)

So it has to be cut because that joke is offensive.

I'm fairly certain that this wasn't entirely removed. I've seen it several times since the original broadcast, all with this Christian Bale in it. In fact, my Dad and I just watched it a week or so ago. Always on Adult Swim, too, so they must have put in back in.

Audio clip[]

Hi, the audio clip doesn't seem to work anymore, can someone please fix it otherwise it should be removed if no one is willing to do so. 04:20, March 14, 2015 (UTC)

Still works. It did take about 3-4 seconds after clicking for the audio to pick up. --Buckimion (talk) 11:22, March 14, 2015 (UTC)