They should have Brian join MSNBC. 20:54, 2 April 2009 (UTC)
Do we put this under goofs here or at SSSDS?--Jack's Posse Fic 15:36, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
If anything, I'd put it under Notes on SSSDS.--Buckimion 15:38, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
Possible title reference? or coincidence?[]
In this MadTV segment, Borstein plays Miss Swan and calls the sexline Fox-y Lady. Is that coincidence? Lovegarden (talk) 15:22, March 24, 2014 (UTC)
Yup. The reference in this case is clearly directed at the FOX network. --Buckimion (talk) 15:23, March 24, 2014 (UTC)