Family Guy Wiki
Family Guy Wiki

Look you don't have to be rude ALL the time. It just didn't occur to me that "The" would be included. There was NOTHING wrong with what I did. You have such a problem with any kind of change that's made. It's not like they were all red links. -- Anythingspossibleforapossible 20:26, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

It's just that there are some things that should be left alone like page headers but since you insist, I'm letting you have your fun. If you actually follow the show you'd probably use some logic that the Hulk would be listed somewhere. A simple search would bring up the actual page. As for being rude, tough cookies as I've lost patience with being nice today. --Buckimion 20:32, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

Yes I should have had a look, but to be honest the only ep I could think of only had a reference, but not an appearance. I only left links to begin because there were pages. Maybe someone wouldn't know that? If you've lost patience then it's only because you don't like being challenged. If I didn't follow it then I wouldn't bother being here or maybe you don't see that? -- Anythingspossibleforapossible 20:47, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

I question your logic (but not the truth of your statement) as you seem to be more concerned with formatting than content as I pointed out earlier. You haven't added any facts, just editing page links, quotation marks and picture formatting. Anyone can do that without knowing a thing about the show. --Buckimion 20:51, July 30, 2011 (UTC)