Theodore Samuel Williams (August 30, 1918 – July 5, 2002) was an American professional baseball player and manager, playing his entire professional career as a left fielder for the Boston Red Sox.
Despite his original wishes, Williams's son and younger daughter chose to have his remains frozen cryonically. A trial with his eldest daughter contested his disposition, but evidence was proven that he had indeed signed a statement indicating a desire to be frozen.
During an all-star dinner at the Hotel Lexington as part of a Red Sox baseball fantasy camp in "Peter's Lost Youth", Lois is selected to sit at the all-star table with Pedro Martínez, who is sitting next to Ted Williams' head as he insists there is a special place in Hell for whomever had his head frozen.
Later, when Lois assures Peter that she can get him reinstated on the team after he is kicked out for breaking her leg, she points out that she was sexually harassed by all of the players, including William's head. A cutaway gag shows him in prison, about to be sexually molested which is his worst fear as only a head.