The Avengers is a team of superheroes, appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The team made its debut in the September 1963 comic book The Avengers #1. The Avengers originally consisted of Iron Man, Ant-Man, the Wasp, Thor, and the Hulk. The original Captain America was discovered, trapped in ice later in issue #4, and joined the group after they revived him. A rotating roster became a hallmark, with various other heroes including Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, War Machine, Falcon and Black Panther shifting in and out of the series as needed.
A 2012 live-action feature film, directed by Joss Whedon, set numerous records during its box office run, including the biggest opening debut in North America.
In "Our Idiot Brian", Stewie accuses Brian of being as useless as the Black Widow when he prefers to stay dumb. Black Widow is questioned by Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk and Hawkeye as to her powers, which she only offers up as kicking. While the rest of the team jokes at her expense, Hulk tries to stay out of it, but is accused of just trying to be nice.
Peter watches Captain America: Civil Union, a parody of Captain America: Civil War in which Captain America is counting on his "friend" Randy, to aid his side in "Petey IV".
Peter mentions to Quagmire that Thanos got the mind stone from Avengers: Infinity War in "Island Adventure", which causes Cleveland and Joe to turn to dust.