Family Guy Wiki
Let His Son Die
From the episode: "Family Guy" Through the Years
Singers: Peter Griffin, background singers
Voices: Seth MacFarlane, background singers
The Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In)
From the episode: Stand By Meg
Singers: Meg
Voices: Mila Kunis

"Let His Son Die" is a parody of "The Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In)" from the 1979 film musical version of Hair, in which a hippie swaps places with a soldier so he can have one last party with his friends, but is accidentally sent off to Vietnam himself.

In a 1973-set episode of Family Guy in ""Family Guy" Through the Years", Peter encourages Chris to enlist, but later finds out the horrors of war and swaps places. When his unit is being shipped out, he reconsiders, but finds it is too late to back out.

Meg also sings the original chorus when she stars in a one-woman production of Hair in "Stand By Meg". As she sings naked, Peter observes that perhaps she has too much hair.


Hey guys, wait, I'm not supposed to be here
Stop, halt, my name's not Chris it's Peter
He's late, he's probably at the theater
Watching a 70s movie
Maybe "The French Connection"
Or possibly "Godfather II"
The number, not also
Let my son die
Let my son die
My son, not me
[Background singers] [Let his son die]
[Let his son die]
[His son, not him]
[More background singers] [Whoah, whoah, whoah...Let him die]
[Let his son die] [Locked in a cage]
[Let his son die] [Like John McCain]
[His son, not him] [Can't raise his arms]