The Peanuts Movie is a 2015 3D film featuring Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts, directed by Steve Martino and written by Craig Schulz, Bryan Schulz, and Cornelius Uliano.
Its plot centers around Snoopy facing off against his nemesis the Red Baron, while his owner Charlie Brown, tries to win the affection of the Little Red-Haired Girl, who just moved to the neighborhood.
In a Target Department Stores-sponsored advertisement, the Peanuts characters hold auditions for their own roles in the film. Stewie appears as Charlie Brown while Brian dresses as Snoopy's WWI flying Ace.[1]
In "Married...With Cancer", Brian notes that he hasn't gotten so much attention since attending The Peanuts Movie, leading to a cutaway gag where he is identified for peeing in a soda cup at the theater.