Two and a Half Men is an American television sitcom, which aired on CBS from September 22, 2003 - February 19, 2015. The sitcom initially starred Jon Cryer, Charlie Sheen, and Angus T. Jones. Production of the eighth season was cut short due to Sheen entering drug rehabilitation and making disparaging comments about the show's creator and executive producer, Chuck Lorre. Sheen was fired from the show on March 7, 2011. The ninth season premiere killed off Sheen's character and introduced Ashton Kutcher as his replacement.
The show originally centered on a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie, his uptight brother, Alan, and his then 10-year-old nephew, Jake. Charlie's free-wheeling life is complicated and altered when his brother gets divorced and moves into his beach-front house. Surprisingly, the show features a huge amount of sexual humor, which is unusual for a sitcom.
In "North by North Quahog", the show actually featured three men, one of which was cut in half and all three were screaming.
Two and a Half Men appears as one of the guide shows in the DirecTV video that Cleveland and Quagmire are forced to watch in "Baby Not On Board".
In "Ocean's Three and a Half", the show was used to induce labor on Bonnie Swanson. In this appearance, it was filmed in front of a Live Studio Ostrich. J.P. Manoux provided the voice for Alan Harper.
The original principal cast of Two and a Half Men attends the Class Holes! premiere party at the Griffin home in "Brian Griffin's House of Payne" as themselves. They wanted to see the show fail, because Class Holes! producer Brian Griffin always has criticized their show.
In the song "You Can Find It on TV", performed at the 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, the plotline was called "remarkably obscene".
Seth MacFarlane has said his experience with Sheen on Family Guy was perfectly pleasant, but felt that under the circumstances it was right for Warner Bros. to fire Sheen from Two and a Half Men.[1]
The title of the episode "12 and a Half Angry Men" is derived from the show title.
The show is mentioned in "The Return of the King (of Queens)" when Peter lists television shows in which the pilot episode features a trope of someone showing up on a doorstep.